Nov 12, 2010


Yesterday I finished reading this book and I strongly recommend it to everyone. For real, read it, it's extremely interesting and it makes you think.
Dreams From My Father by Barack Obama.


La Porta Màgica by Tatiana Supervia said...

Pero julia...cuantos idiomas hablas??
me tienes alucinada!!

me apunto lo del libro...



Unknown said...

Si tu dices que es interesante habrá que leerlo! muaa!

Arien said...

Pues sería interesante de leer, eso si, mi ejemplar sería en español jeje
un besazo!

Anonymous said...

oh i'm actually looking for a book, thanks for the recommendation :)

Becky Tjandera said...

Looks like a great book ! Used to like reading book but don't know why I just don't want to these days

Kara Marie said...

Im sure it's inspiring to you, but everyone here in the USA hates him now! He's the worst president ever!