I just read an article that really shocked me. It's about Miranda Kerr, who just had a baby with Orlando Bloom and recently posted a first picture of her and her baby on her blog. The thing is that on the picture, she's breastfeeding. And the thing is that people criticised it, claiming that "breastfeeding is just a way for women to show their breasts". What the hell is wrong with people?
I'm sorry if I'm writing like this but I'm extremely shocked.
I understand there are women who don't feel like breastfeeding, I believe it's a personal choice or in some cases there are women that can't breastfeed. But, it's been proved it's the best way to feed babies because it prevents from getting sick..., so, having a celebrity like Miranda Kerr showing to the world this picture is, in my opinion, a great way to encourage women to take that choice.
But apart from the medical side, there's also this old habit of women being forced to keep appearances. Should women hide from men when they breastfeed? Stay at home?
I just can't get what's so horrible about a mum feeding her child, is there anything sexual or inmoral about it?
What do you think?
Just a lovely picture of a baby and his mother.