Dec 11, 2010


My favourite store in London must be Urban Outfitters, I love how everything about it! And the one in Oxford Street is so pretty I had to (even though I didn't have a lot of free time last time I was there) visit!;)And here is what I bought, a grey T-shirt. The thing is I had already seen it on the website and it had catched my eye. I think it's extremely cool and at the same time it has the perfect T-shirt shape; it's loose but not too much and the fabric is lovely, so comfortable.
Ok, I'm going to stop cause I could keep all day. And it's just a T-shirt. But a really cool one.
Ah, and on it's written Alcohol, Caffeine and Nicotine.


Anonymous said...

Super cool tee! Love it! :-)


Anonymous said...

I love the tshirt!
I was looking for something like that, you know, a comfy and nice tshit with a cool message on it to wear with everything when you don't know what to wear
And you look so pretty, as always
hope you're having a nice weekend

♥ Marley

Fashion Cappuccino said...

I love cool graphic tshirts like that! We don't have urbanoutfitters here and I really wish they could open one soon! xxoxooxxoxoo

Emma said...

They've got some beaaaut stuff in right now; hard walking past and not taking a peek! x

Angela Alvarez said...

yes!! your city is amazing! haha
thanks for your comment!

love the photo!!




Aaah !

Je veux le même ! J'adore ! Ö

Et merci pour ton gentil commentaire ;)


La Porta Màgica by Tatiana Supervia said...

jajajaj unike...i love this photo!!
kisses julia y muy buen domingo que en bARCELONA HACE SOLETE!!! QUE TAL POR ALLÍ?


MARIE said...

Tes cheveux sont magnifiques Julia! Merci pour ton gentil commentaire j'espère que ton w-e s'est bien passé. Pleins de bisous <3

Elza Sokolovski said...

Tes cheveux sont sublimes !

Juliette B. said...

Ca me déboussole complètement! je doute de tout c'est insupportable, mais j'y arrive hihi! Jolie t shirt!

leblogdecapucine said...

j'aime urban outfittersssss <3
On se croit un peu chez soit la bas ...

MARIE said...

Je me répète tu es magnifique sur cette photo et merci pour ton gentil commentaire :) ! Bonne journée <3

Saou said...

Cool ton T-Shirt ;) Sinon miss anonyme est-ce que Julia est ton vrai nom? ^^
J'adore ton blog!


Bee said...

Tes cheveux sont magnifiques ! Tu as un secret ?
Passe sur mon blog, il y a un jeu concours :)


Bilymu Street said...

Cette photo est superbe! J'aime beaucoup la luminosité et la simplicité de la fille dessus. ;)

Nadège said...

So nice !!

Eva said...

je l'ai vu aussi quand j'étais à londres :)! je viens de découvrir ton blog par hasard, au fait