Oct 3, 2010


I want to upload some pics I took with my blackberry yesterday but bluetooth doesn't work:( And I think my Ipod is dead, but that's not too wierd, I've had it for 5 years now!
Yesterday I worked as a baby sitter and the mother gave me those eye shadows. Aren't the colours beautiful?:) Love them!Now I just to learn how to use them.
I'm hopeless.


le boudoir de clochette said...

I love tah tmake up I have the same in grey . ;)

Valou said...

jolie couleur !

Anonymous said...

ohlala ces couleurs sont superbes!!
en plus, ça fait grav rssortir ls yeux bleus (en même tmps cest surement pour ça que tu les as pris^^ )

tu devrais faire un post avc tes yeux maquillés, ça serait chouette!!